He showed the narrow space end of the world 2013 1080p they themselves had been made to allow for the package of a human body, and the ingenious measures they were obliged to resort to for stowing this living cargo within the limits of the ship. He adverted next to the case of Mr. Dalzell, and showed how one dismal fact after another, each making against their own testimony, was extorted from him. He then went to the trifling mortality said to be experienced end of the world 2013 1080p these voyages, upon which subject he spoke in the following words "Though the witnesses are some of them interested in the trade, and all of them parties against the bill, their confession is, that of the negroes of the windward coast, who are men of the strongest constitution which Africa affords, no less on an average than five in each hundred perish in the voyage,-a voyage, it must be remembered but of six weeks. In a twelvemonth, then, what must be the proportion of the dead. Such then is the comparison.