Why, when these ladies, have carried indifference so far as to dispense themselves from the most common duties of humanity, by refraining from paying the smallest visit to the poor wretches, placed in the hospital at St. Louis, have they themselves discovered to, us that their composure on board the frigate was nothing but profound insensibility. We could, however, if not excuse, at least explain this last mark of their hard-heartedness what sight, in fact, awaited them in this melancholy abode, on the new theatre, where the the game s06e6 victims of a first act the game s06e6 inhumanity, had to struggle the game s06e6 the fresh miseries prepared for them by the indifference, the inattention of their fellow-creatures. But what is not, what cannot be excused, what we have not learned without the greatest surprise is, that Miss Schmalz, judging of us doubtless, after a manner of thinking which the game s06e6 not ours, and not supposing it possible that the faults of her father, and the inhuman conduct of herself and her mother, should not be one day known in France, should have hastened to anticipate this publication, by writing to her friends at Paris, a letter justifying her relations with the shipwrecked persons belonging to the raft, and trying to devote the game s06e6 unfortunate men to public hatred and contempt.