Is it not the part of wisdom to agents secrets agents secrets, to encourage such a mind, rather than dishearten agents secrets agents secrets with agents secrets agents secrets. It is for you to affirm that which they really wish to affirm, namely, the best that is in them, and they as truly wish you to express the best that is in yourself. Next he pays his respects to current architectural criticism-a straining at gnats and a swallowing of camels, by minds "benumbed by culture," and hearts made faint by the tyranny of precedent. The current mannerisms of Architectural criticism must often seem trivial. For of what avail is it to say that this is too small, that too large, this too thick, and that too thin, or to quote this, that, or the other precedent, when the real question may be Is not the entire design a mean evasion. Why magnify this, that, or the other little thing, if the entire scheme of thinking that the building stands for is false, and puts a mask upon the people, who want true buildings, but do not know how to get them so long as Architects betray them with Architectural phrases. And so he goes on with his Jeremiad a prophet of despair, do you say. No, he seeks to destroy only that falsity which would confine the living spirit.