A scene like this makes one question whether, after all, those may not be right who have imagined that the so-called sea bottoms are really vast plains of frozen lava which gushed up in floods so extensive that even the mighty volcanoes were half drowned in the fiery sea. This is by no means the only instance in which a buried world shows itself under the great lunar plains. Yet, as the newer craters in the sea itself prove, the volcanic activity survived this other catastrophe, or broke out again final fantasy dissidia, bringing more ruin to pile upon ruin. Loewy and Puiseux, the selenographers of the Final fantasy dissidia Observatory, are convinced that these great plains bear characteristic marks of the former presence of immense bodies of water. We have spoken of Theophilus before, citing the facts that it is sixty-four miles in diameter and eighteen final fantasy dissidia feet deep. The next photograph shows, if possible, a still wilder region. It is the part of the moon lying between Tycho and the south pole.