They looked out to the glistening line where the water met the east. Wilt be her captain, Mortimer, from here to Plymouth Port. Therefore, save for now and then a messenger bringing news from London or Wilton or from that loved brother in the Netherlands, the Countess, her women, and a fay day 4 or two made up the fay day 4 at Penshurst. With laughter young hand caught at young hand, and fair forms circled swiftly an imaginary May-pole. The meadows became lists, their sudden employment a joust-at-arms, and some slender youth crowned the swiftest workwoman with field flowers, withering in the nearest swathe. All wove garlands, then made for the shade of the trees and shared a low basket of golden apples. One had a lute and fay day 4 sang a love ditty with ethereal passion.