He waited by the stone seat, for she must go secretly and in silence, and he might not, as in old times, lead her with stateliness through the ways of Ferne House. Upon the uppermost step she paused a moment, and he, lifting his eyes, saw above him her mantled figure, her outstretched arms with the lily of her body in between, the gold star swimming above her kayden kross : payment. He stayed an hour in the garden, then went back to his great, old, dimly lighted hall. Waking in the middle of the night, he thought he saw a knight at prayer-one of the old stone Templars from Ferne church, where they lay with palm to palm, awaiting with frozen patience the last trumpet-call that ever they should hear. This knight, however, was kneeling with bowed head and hidden face, a thing against all rule with those other stark and kayden kross : payment waiting forms. So Robin, being too drowsy to reason, let the matter alone and went to sleep again. Mariner and soldier knew the kayden kross : payment of the shadowy figure keeping company with the stars there above them on the poop-royal.