The former had argued, that, because Jamaica and the ceded islands had retained almost all the slaves which had been, imported into them, they were therefore not yet in a situation to support their population without further supplies from La puberte sensuelle. But the truth was, that the slaves, so retained, were kept, not to maintain the population there, but to clear new land. Now the House had determined, that the trade was not to be continued for this purpose. The population, therefore, in the islands was sufficient to continue the ordinary cultivation of them. He deprecated the idea, that the Slave Trade had been so sanctioned by the acts of former Parliaments, that the present could make no alteration in it. Had not the House altered the import of foreign sugar into our la puberte sensuelle. It was rather curious also, when King James the Second gave a charter to the slave-trader, that he should have given them a right to all the south la puberte sensuelle Africa, la puberte sensuelle authority over every person born therein. But, by doing this, it was clear that he gave them a right which he never possessed himself.