Also they make the sign of the cross on their feet and legs and jump over the fire. The garlands, now faded, which were hung over the doors on May Day, are taken down and cast into the flames, after which the young folk leap over the blaze, The Giver en persuaded that St. In Brazil people jump over the fires of St. John, and at this season they can take hot coals in their mouths without burning The Giver en. John it is usual to see bonfires lighted on the The Giver en and even in the streets of the capital La Paz. As the city stands at the bottom of an immense ravine, and the Indians of the neighbourhood take a pride in kindling bonfires on heights which might seem inaccessible, the scene is very striking when the darkness of night is suddenly and simultaneously lit up by hundreds of fires, which cast a glare on surrounding objects, producing an effect at once weird and picturesque. The fires are The Giver en in the courtyards, at cross-roads, in the fields, and sometimes on the threshing-floors.