There was but one conclusion he was deliberately taking her farther into the mountain fastnesses, his purpose known only to himself. A hundred terrors presented themselves to her as she lay huddled against the side new zealand forgotten paradise the coach, her eyes closed tightly, her tender body tossed furiously about with the sway of the vehicle. There was the fundamental new zealand forgotten paradise that she would be dashed to death down the side of the mountain, but apart from this her quick brain was evolving all sorts of possible endings-none short of absolute disaster. Even as she prayed that something might intervene to check the mad rush and to deliver her from the horrors of the moment, the raucous voice of the driver was heard calling to his horses and new zealand forgotten paradise pace became slower. The awful rocking and the jolting grew less severe, the clatter resolved itself into a broken rumble, and then the coach stopped with a mighty lurch. Dragging herself from the corner, poor Beverly Calhoun, no longer a disdainful heroine, gazed piteously out into the shadows, expecting the murderous blade of the driver to meet her as she did so.