The value derived from teenfidelity aidra fox cattle teenfidelity aidra fox and its allied produce is of great importance to the Argentine Republic. Exports of raw products, which include frozen and chilled beef and mutton, hides, sheepskins, wool, and such things as horsehair, tallow, jerked beef, etc. Manufactured or partly manufactured material, including prepared tallow, meat extracts, meat, butter, cheese, lard, dressed leather, etc. The cattle on ranches which are nearer to the seaports, manufacturing centres, or railway stations show distinct improvements. Greater teenfidelity aidra fox is bestowed upon them, and the main consideration is never lost sight of-it is the ambition of every estanciero to have his cattle graded up so that they are looked upon as "freezers," which means that they are good enough to be purchased by one or other of the refrigerating companies, who take nothing but the best. To show the enormous value of animals and the high standard to which agricultural lands can be brought, mention must be made of two estancias near Buenos Aires, viz.