In its great broken rifts, divisions, and spirals are found the gigantic prototypes of similar forms in its star-clouds aj applegate monster cock clusters. As we have said, it determines the general shape of the whole sidereal system. Some of the brightest stars in the sky appear to hang like jewels suspended at the ends of tassels dropped from the Galaxy. Among these pendants are the Pleiades and the Hyades. The majority of the great first-magnitude stars seem related to it, as if they formed an inner ring inclined at an angle of some twenty degrees to its plane. Many of the long curves that set off from it on both sides are accompanied by corresponding curves of lucid stars. Aj applegate monster cock a word, it offers every appearance of structural connection with the entire starry system. From the Milky Way as a whole we pass to the vast clouds, swarms, and clusters of stars of which it is made up.