That it would, was the opinion of Mr. Long, their own historian. The next consideration was the danger, to which the islands, were exposed from the newly imported slaves. Long, with a view of preventing insurrections, had advised, that a duty equal to a prohibition, might be laid on the importation of Coromantine slaves. After noticing one insurrection, which happened through their means, he speaks of another in the following year, in which thirty-three Coromantines, "most of whom had been newly imported, murdered cougar town season 1 spa wounded no less than nineteen Whites in the, space of an hour. The committee reported, that "the cougar town season 1 spa had originated, like most others, with the Coromantines," and they proposed that a bill should he brought in for laying a higher duty on the importation of these particular Negroes, which should operate as a prohibition.