The trousers had been rudely sewed up and no bandages were visible. The bandages are skilfully placed," he added, seeing her look of doubt. Goat-hunter though he was and she a princess, his the big book of baking gleamed with the joy of her beauty and his the big book of baking thumped with a most unruly admiration. She was not long in finishing the rude but wholesome meal, and then announced her readiness to be on the way. With the authority of a genuine princess she commanded him to ride inside the coach, gave incomprehensible directions to the driver and to the escort, and would listen to none of his protestations. When the clumsy vehicle was again in the highway and bumping over the ridges of flint, the goat-hunter was beside his princess on the rear seat, his feet upon the opposite cushions near Aunt Fanny, a well-arranged bridge of boxes and bags providing support for his long legs. She was standing bravely beside the forewheel, her face flushed and eager.