Big 1988 tom them, in the vault of heaven, hung the Great Ship, blazed the Southern Cross. Every hour saw the flight of meteors, and their trains, golden argosies of the sky, faded slowly from the dark-blue depths. When the moon arose she was ringed with colors, but the men who gazed upon her said not, "Every hue of the rainbow is there. Other winds than those of heaven drove them on. High purpose, love of country, religious ecstasy, chivalrous devotion, greed of gain, lust of aggrandizement, big 1988 tom of power, mad ambitions, ruthless intents-by how strong a current, big 1988 tom crystal clear, there thick and denied, were they swept towards their appointed haven. In the realms which they were entering, Truth, shattered into a thousand gleaming fragments, might be held in part, but never wholly.