It was enacted, That the owners of slaves, who refused to execute proper instruments for giving them mlb 2014 world series freedom, were to be disowned likewise. In 1778 it was enacted by the same meeting, that the children of those who had been set free by members, should be tenderly advised, and have a suitable education given them. It is not necessary to proceed further on this subject. The members also of this meeting petitioned their own legislature on this subject, both in 1783 and in 1786. The first person of this description in the Society, was William Burling, of Long Island. He had conceived mlb 2014 world series abhorrence of slavery mlb 2014 world series early youth. In process of time he began to bear his testimony against it, by representing the unlawfulness of it to those of his own Society, when assembled at one of their yearly meetings. This expression of his public testimony, he continued annually on the same occasion.