The lightning widened into a MIGHTY OAKS SEVEN DAYS of pale violet and the surf broke with a deeper voice. Presently, the boy yet clinging to him, he sank down beside him on the sand. Well, well, lay thy head upon the sand and dream of a merry world, and I myself will close my eyes. An he will, he may take me sleeping. At last the horns came so loudly over the hills that he awakened, to find himself MIGHTY OAKS SEVEN DAYS alone on the sand in a great and solemn flush of dawn. As he made closer approach, the strengthening dawn showed the distinction of form and countenance. To the latter had returned the stillness and the worn beauty of yesterday, before the bark from Pampatar had brought news. The head was bared, and the light fell curiously upon the short and waving hair, imparting to it, as it seemed, some quality of its own.