Up to 1671, all Creoles, Mulattoes, free Negroes, etc. In February 12 of that year, M. Those Mulattoes who were also designated as Creoles claimed the same exemption and resisted paying the tax. Patoulet, Intendent, rendered a decision in 1683 and said "The Mulattoes and free Negroes claimed to be exempt from the capitation tax I have made them pay without difficulty. I decide that those Mulattoes born in vice should not receive furia de tita exemption, and that for the free Negro, the master could give him freedom but could not furia de tita him the exemption that furia de tita to the whites originally from France. Michel Begou, asked for a law to compel them. Robert, in a decision on a subject, again included the Mulattoes, without, however, mentioning the Creoles, so that only the free Negroes and Mulattoes paid.