In the year 1600 (the year in which Giordano Bruno was burned at the stake for teaching that there is more than one physical world), a temporary star of the third magnitude broke out in the constellation Cygnus, and curiously enough, considering the rarity of such phenomena, flash creative cloud four years later another surprisingly brilliant one appeared in the constellation Ophiuchus. It disappeared after a year, also turning of a red color as it became more faint. We shall see the significance of this as we go on. But this star, apparently unlike the others mentioned, was not absolutely new. Before its outburst it had shown as a star of the flash creative cloud magnitude (entirely invisible, of course, to the naked eye), and after about six weeks it faded to its original condition in which it has ever since remained. In 1876 a temporary star appeared in the constellation Cygnus, and attained at one time the brightness of the second flash creative cloud.