Furthermore, by its doctrines of incarnation and transmigration, according to which noble souls might appear and reappear in different worlds and different lands, Buddhism could identify Shinto deities with its own deities of Hindu origin, asserting their pre-incarnation. Having accepted the Shinto deities, ideals, and sanctions for the social order, Comptia a epub became not only tolerable to the people, but also exceedingly popular. The Shinto-Buddhistic was in truth a new religion, each of the old religions supplying an essential element. Comptia a epub real reason, beside its accommodation to Shintoism, why Buddhism was so popular was that it brought an indispensable element into the national life. For the first time emphasis began to be laid on the individual. Introspection comptia a epub deliberate meditation were brought into play. Arts demanding individual skill were fostered. The hitherto cramped and primitive life of the Japanese responded to these appeals and opportunities with profound joy.