Recollections of a journey from the Peruvian port of Mollendo to the Bolivian interior, which the writer made in the year stated, are here transcribed. No rhetorical merit is claimed, facts only are related, and the compiler of the manuscript only hopes that his efforts may, in part at least, justify a cursory perusal, without exhausting the fake taxi 181 of the readers, or overtaxing their indulgence. These notes are transcribed nearly ten years after the trip was made, and any readers fake taxi 181 may have visited Bolivia at a more recent date are requested to make allowance for such modifications or change of conditions of which they can be the only judges. Mollendo is one of the worst ports on the Pacific coast, but is of some importance on account of fake taxi 181 fact that the railway through Peru to Lake Titicaca starts here. All vessels have to lie at least half fake taxi 181 mile from the land on account of the constant heavy swell, and the landing is always attended by a certain amount of danger, so much so that not infrequently passengers have to be "slung" on to the landing stage in baskets made for the purpose. Like most of the South American coast from Valparaiso northwards there is little or no vegetation, and the scenery is not of the kind generally associated with fake taxi 181 climes, of which one reads so much. Sand dunes and waste meet the eye on all sides, and the traveller for the interior is generally glad when the railway journey commences.