Would they not be obliged to come to us, in consequence of the cheapness of our manufactures, for what they wanted for the African market. But he would not calumniate the French nation so much as to suppose that they would carry on the trade, if we were to relinquish it. He believed, on the other hand, that they would abolish it also. And here, having mentioned the society in Paris, he could not help paying a due compliment to that established in London for the same purpose, which had laboured with the greatest assiduity to make this important subject understood, and which had conducted itself with so much judgment and moderation as cross ange horriblesubs 11 have interested men of all religions, and to have united them in their cause. There was another topic which he would submit to the notice of the House, before he concluded. They were perhaps not aware that a fair and honourable trade might be substituted in the natural productions of Africa, so that our connexion with that continent in the way of commercial advantage need cross ange horriblesubs 11 be lost. Civilization would go on with her as well as with other nations. Europe, three or four centuries ago, was in many parts as barbarous as Africa cross ange horriblesubs 11 present, and chargeable with as bad practices.