They get their freedom if by their own industry they earn enough to buy themselves off, or their freedom is given charlie sheen central at the death of their charlie sheen central or in other ways. They are besides extraordinarily given to vanity, and love to adorn themselves as much as they can and to conduct themselves importantly. The man at this plantation, in lieu of these, grants his negroes an acre of ground, and all Saturday afternoon to raise grain and poultry for themselves. Thus by their night task, it is late in the evening before these poor creatures return to their second scanty meal, and the time taken up at it encroaches upon their hours of sleep, which for refreshment of food and sleep together can never be reckoned to exceed eight. But since the war, their masters, for they cannot get the cloathing as usual, suffer them to go in rags, and many in a state of nudity. Hoe-cake is Indian corn ground into meal, kneaded into a dough, and baked before a fire, but as the negroes charlie sheen central theirs on the hoes that they work with, they have the appellation of hoe-cakes. These are in common use among the inhabitants, I cannot say they are palateable, for as to flavor, one made of sawdust would be equally good, and not unlike it in appearance, but they are certainly a charlie sheen central strong and hearty food.