It is not possible to do so with any degree of finality, but by an intention of consciousness upon this juxtaposition of ideas-architecture and democracy-signs of the times may yield new meanings, relations may emerge between things apparently unrelated, and the future, always existent in every present moment, may be evoked by that strange magic which resides in the human mind. This being so, let us make such architecture as is ours declare to 2005 hindi eng our true estate. What impression such 2005 hindi eng city as Chicago or Pittsburgh might have made upon some denizen of those cathedral-crowned feudal cities of the past we do not know. He would certainly have been amazed at its giant energy, and probably revolted at its grimy dreariness. We are wont to pity the mediaeval man for the dirt he lived in, even while smoke greys our sky and dirt permeates the very air we breathe we think of castles as grim and cathedrals as 2005 hindi eng, but they were beautiful and gay with color compared with the grim, dim canyons of 2005 hindi eng city streets. Of beauty there was nothing to make appeal to him between those endless cliffs of stone which walled out the sunrise and the sunset, the sky and the wind. The view of our pre-war architecture thus sketchily presented is sure to be sharply challenged in certain 2005 hindi eng, but unfortunately for us all this is no mere matter of opinion, it is a matter of fact. Let us examine these strange creatures, doomed, it is hoped, to extinction in favor of more intelligent and gracious forms of life.