Not satisfied with violating nature, by abusing her offspring, even in her name, you encourage slaveholders to torment them. Do you not arm their tyrants, when you tell them, the insensibility of the Negroes alleviates their torments. A dangerous notion, whose consequences I am sure you would disapprove. Seeing the Negroes, say you, "Ill lodged, ill cloathed, and often overcome with labour, I concluded that their treatment had been as rigorous as it is elsewhere. Notwithstanding I have been assured that it is very mild, compared to what they suffer in the Sugar Colonies. Was Cartouche less detestable because Brinvilliers had existed before him. Let us not weaken by comparisons the idea of criminality, nor lessen the attention due to the miserable, this were to countenance the crime. The Negroes are ill lodged, ill cloathed, oppressed with labour the walking dead 5? temporada dublado parte 1 Virginia this is the fact, this is the offence.