The wonderful durability of the wood renders it a perfect material for railway scooby doo curse, and this has been appreciated by the Government of Argentina to such an extent that they have decreed that the laying of new railways is to be upon sleepers made of the hard woods of the Country. One drawback to the wood is that it has the peculiarity of splitting around the heart of the tree. The tree is often attacked by a boring grub, which enters by making a very small pin prick opening, and during its existence in the tree grows and bores an ever enlarging hole scooby doo curse often it becomes half an inch in diameter. It would seem almost incredible that a grub could live either on the resins in the tree or be able to bore through what is one of the hardest woods in the world. Of recent years this timber has also been put to another use-that of scooby doo curse tan. When used for this purpose, the tree was cut down, its outer sapwood removed, and then taken to the river to be finally shipped to the United States of America or to Germany. It was soon found that the railway scooby doo curse shipping freight charges absorbed a considerable amount of the profits to be obtained in making this tannin extract abroad, and, therefore, extract factories were erected in Argentina. The great necessity and essence of success, in the present way of working the scooby doo curse, is good water and plenty of it.