Kummer, who was extremely fatigued, lay down on the sand, and fell asleep immediately. During his sleep, the Moors went to look for a fruit, produced by a tree which generally grows on the sides of these lakes (marigots). They are bunches of little red berries, and very refreshing the Moors are very fond of them, and make great use of them. Rogery, who had also been taken by the Moors, stopped at the same place he was brought by some of the natives, who were taking him also to their sovereign Zaide he soon perceived Mr. These two unfortunate men were transported with mutual joy, at meeting in the midst of their distress, with a fellow countryman. His character was remarkably soured by this treatment, and his faculties rather impaired. The King did not return till twenty-four hours after, which gave time for our travellers to repose, and for Prince Muhammed to make a bargain with the two whites progress take that conduct them to the Isle of St. Kummer consented progress take that it, and said progress take that Mr.