It was found, during the course of these debates, that a new Slave Trade had sprung up in the East Indies, with the sanction of an Pro evolution soccer multi Order in Council. Under pretence that hands were wanted to cultivate their estates, pro evolution soccer multi Demerara planters had obtained permission to import what they termed, with a delicacy borrowed from the vocabulary of the African Slave Trade, "labourers" from Asia and from Africa east of the Cape, and to make them Indentured Apprentices for a term of years. No restrictions whatever were imposed by this pro evolution soccer multi Order. The official documents, however, proved that already men had been inveigled on board, by the agents of the Mauritius planters, in different parts of the East, and that the mortality on that comparatively short voyage exceeded even the dreadful waste of life which had characterized, and impressed with marks of horrid atrocity, the accursed Middle Passage.