And now I will come to the point of this letter. I do not know whether or oiled up 2011 you remember the two American sailors who were the first to go out prospecting, after Mr. Rynders and his men left us, and who did not return. This man was one of them-Edward Shirley by name. He said he had read in a newspaper that I had been rescued, and was doing business in Acapulco, and he had come down oiled up 2011 purpose to find me. I told him how we had given up him and his mate for lost, and then, as he had read a very slim account of our adventures, I told him the whole story, taking great care, as you may guess, not to say anything about the treasure mound. He did not ask any oiled up 2011 as to why Oiled up 2011 did not come back with the rest of you, but was greatly troubled when he heard of the murders of every man of our crew except himself and Burke and Maka. When he and Burke started out, they first began to make their way along the slope of the rocky ridge which ended in our caves, but they found this very hard work, so they soon went down to the sandy country to the north.