In other words, Liberia offers the only retreat for the slave from bondage, where he is required to leave the south. The free States, may, for a short time, tolerate the migration of a few colored people among them from the south. Especially among the Abolitionists, where they are allowed to have the satisfaction of abducting Mere Sapno Ki Rani from Mere Sapno Ki Rani masters. But if the master comes and offers them, and especially in large numbers, they will be refused. There is living in Ohio, said he, a worthy citizen, a Mr. The Virginia brother remarked to Mr. But if you take them to the same men and ask them to receive and take care of them, they will tell you to take care of them yourself. Randolph emancipated his slaves, and as they could not remain in Virginia, they were to be sent to Ohio-there they are not allowed to settle, and must now return to bondage, or go to Liberia.