That was the end of the performance. Many pigs were scorched so severely that they gave up the ghost. The bonfire was broken up, and every householder took home with him a brand, which luna star bailey washed in the water-barrel and laid for some time, as a treasure luna star bailey great price, in luna star bailey manger from which the cattle were fed. After driving the pigs through the fire, which was kindled by the friction of wood, some people took brands home, dipped them in luna star bailey, and then gave the water to the pigs to drink, no doubt for the purpose of inoculating them still more effectually with the precious virtue of the need-fire. The rope which produced the revolution of the bar had to be new, but it was if possible woven from threads taken from a gallows-rope, with which people had been hanged. While all other lights within the boundaries were extinguished, the new fire was produced by the friction of nine kinds of wood, and the flame so obtained was used to kindle heaps of brushwood or straw to which every inhabitant had contributed.