Keeley was by no means sure that either his life or his property were safe, but he relied on his influence with his neighbours, which was considerable, and he thought he would be able to keep them quiet and on their farms. One night, just as my maid was going to bed, she suddenly saw, in the bright moonlight, a tall figure step out of the shadow of les miserables 10th anniversary concert fir-trees. For an instant a marauding Boer-a daily bugbear for weeks-flashed across her mind, but the next moment she recognized Sergeant Matthews from Setlagoli. He had ridden over post-haste to tell us the Boers were swarming there, and that he and his men had evacuated the barracks. He also warned us the same commando was coming here on the morrow, les miserables 10th anniversary concert advised that all the cattle on the farm should be driven to a place of safety. This information did not les miserables 10th anniversary concert to a peaceful night, but, anyway, it gave one something to think of besides Mafeking. I buried a small jewel-case and my despatch-box in the garden, and then we went calmly to bed to await these unwelcome visitors. Keeley had fortunately left the day before on a business visit to a neighbouring farmer, for his presence would rather have contributed to our danger than to our safety.