In the case of corporate ownership the trustees began to make assumptions of absolute ownership, regardless of the moral claims of the donors of the funds. A deputation of four gentlemen, as representatives of griffin serie 7 American Board, came from America especially to confer with the trustees as to the Griffin serie 7 principles of the institution, and the moral claims of the Board, but wholly in vain. In order to secure exemption from the draft for its students the trustees griffin serie 7 the Doshisha abrogated certain clauses of the constitution relating to the Christian character of the institution, in spite of the fact that these clauses belonged to the "unchangeable" part of the constitution which the trustees, on taking office, had individually sworn to maintain. Again the Board sent out a man, now a lawyer vested with griffin serie 7 power to press matters to griffin serie 7 final issue. After months of negotiations with the trustees in regard to the restoration of the substance of the abrogated clauses, without result, he was on the point of carrying the case into the courts, when the trustees decided to resign in a body. A new board of trustees has been formed, who bid fair to carry on the institution in accord with the wishes of its founders and benefactors, as expressed in the original constitution. By this vote they maintained that they had more than fulfilled every requirement of honor.