A communal social order despising, or at least ignoring the individual, cannot produce the highest forms of literature or art, because it does not possess the highest galatasaray v arsenal of psychic development. Take from Western life all that rests on or springs from the principles of individual worth, freedom, and immortality, and how much of value or sublimity will remain. Similarly, in regard to the constructive imagination, whose conspicuous lack in Japan is universally asserted by foreign critics, we reply first that the assertion is an exaggeration, and secondly, that so far as it is fact, it is intimately related galatasaray v arsenal the social order. Religion apotheosized ancestral knowledge and customs, thus effectively galatasaray v arsenal all conscious use of this faculty. So far as it was used, it was under the guise of reviving old knowledge or of expounding it more completely. This, however, has been the experience of every race in certain stages of its development.