With a wild shout they pressed upon him. Borne struggling and stumbling by the impulse of a dozen hands, Pembroke half walked and half was carried over the distance between the village and the brink of the chasm of Niagara. Until then it had not been apparent what was to be the nature of his fate, but when he looked upon the sliding floor of waters below him, dead island r.g heard beyond the thunderous voices of the cataract, Pembroke knew what was to be his final portion. There was, at some distance above the great falls, a spot where descent was possible to the edge of the water. A canoe was tethered at the shore, and the face of the young Englishman went pale as he realized what was to be the use assigned it. Bound again hand and foot, dead island r.g, he was cast into this canoe. A dead island r.g arm sent the tiny craft out toward midstream.