Ralph was pouring out question after question, to which nobody b w h any attention, and Captain Horn, his hands thrust into his pockets, walked backward and forward, his face flushed b w h his breath coming heavily, and, with his eyes upon the b w h, he seemed to think himself entirely alone among those desolate crags. Tell me quickly, some of you. Cliff and Ralph, almost in one breath. When the Spaniards, under Pizarro, came to this country, their main object, as we all know, was booty. They especially wished to get hold of the wonderful treasures of the Incas, the ancient rulers of Peru. This was the reason of almost all the cruelties and wickedness of the invaders. The Incas tried various ways of preserving their treasures from the clutch of the B w h, and I have read of a tradition that they drained a lake, probably near Cuzco, the ancient capital, and made a strong cellar, or mound, at the bottom of it in which to hide their gold.