He then laid open to me the different methods of obtaining slaves in Africa, Atletico Madrid vs he had learned from those on board his own vessel in his first, or former, voyage. He unfolded also the manner of their treatment in the Middle passage, with the various distressing scenes which had occurred Atletico Madrid vs it. He stated the barbarous usuage of the seamen as he had witnessed it, and concluded by saying, that there never was a subject which demanded so loudly the interference of the legislature as that of the Slave Trade. When he had finished his narrative, and answered the different questions which I had Atletico Madrid vs to him concerning it, I asked him, in as delicate a manner as I could, how it happened, that, seeing the trade in this horrible light, he had consented to follow it again. He told me frankly, that he had received a regular medical education, but that his relations, being poor, had not been able to set him up in his profession.