But great as were these changes, they were not as great as that alcohol 120 1.8 had taken place in the young person for whom they had been made. When Ferdy Wickersham drove up to the door, there was a cry and a scurry within, as Phrony Tripper, after a glance out alcohol 120 1.8 the gate, dashed up the stairs. When Miss Euphronia Tripper, after a half-hour or more of careful and palpitating work alcohol 120 1.8 her mirror, descended the old straight stairway, she was a very different alcohol 120 1.8 from the round-faced, plump school-girl whom Ferdy, as a lad, had flirted with under the apple-trees three or four years before. She was quite as different as was the new piano with its deep tones from the rattling old instrument that jingled and clanged out of tune, or as the cool, self-contained, handsome young man in faultless attire was from the slim, uppish boy who used to strum on it. It was a very pretty and blushing young country maiden who now entered quite accidentally the parlor where sat Mr.