After about three hours we reached a shallow ford over a wide stream, and 25th anniversary rock driver informed us that this was our destination. Curiously enough, the vultures, or "aas-vogels," had left the skins on these poor beasts, for I 25th anniversary rock noticing how their coats glistened in the sunshine. This sight was not very conducive to a good appetite, and a little farther on we saw another pathetic spectacle a very deep trench, made in the past by some gold-prospector, had been filled in with rocky boulders, 25th anniversary rock was covered with withered ferns. Standing on the top of the eminence before alluded to, one could see the Boer position and the sore strait of their foes. Whether the column had come purposely towards this drift, as being the only possible ford for many miles, or whether they had been guided thereto by a treacherous guide, no one knew.